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滿月好歌分享:Aloha Ke Akua 生命的呼吸與神之愛

心靈好歌推薦:Aloha Ke Akua,作詞/曲:Nahko,專輯:Dark As Night

第一次聽到這首歌,是在2013年的捷克,當時在深山裡參與工作坊的我們,正在討論關於「大地母親」的議題,於是就有個美麗的捷克女孩,向大家推薦了這首歌曲:「Aloha Ke Akua 生命的呼吸與神之愛」。那時一看到歌手們的名字是:Nahko And Medicine For The People,就覺得深深被吸引,是什麼樣的團體稱呼自己為「給人類的藥」?這個答案果然在聽了歌之後,自然而然有了答案。

Nahko是居在在夏威夷的印地安人,他們各張專輯中的多數歌曲,都是想喚醒人們對地球母親蓋亞的愛,呼籲人類與大地和諧共處!而這首歌Aloha Ke Akua,在夏威夷語中的意思便是:生命的呼吸與神之愛。居民們告訴我們,每當你念出這句話時,你就會獲到力量!細究歌詞,你會發現寓意很深,深到心咲小編不知道該如何翻譯...因為許多神聖之事,是很難用文字來形容的。(歡迎交流英文,找到最佳含義!)


Lend your ears, lend your hands 給出你的耳、你的手

Lend your movement, anything you can 給出你的行動,盡你所能

Come to teach, come to be taught 來這裡教導,到這裡學習

Come in the likeness in the image of God 用一種神的形象來到

Cause, you can be like that 因為你可以成為那樣

With all that humbleness, and all that respect 帶著至高的謙卑與尊重

All of the power invested in me 所有的力量投注在我內心

Be it hard to love my enemies 去愛敵人會否困難

All of the black bags over the heads of the dead and dying 在逝者與垂死之人頭上的黑包袱

The more I understand about the human race 對人性越多了解

The less I comprehend about our purpose and place 就對我們的目標和位置便越少明瞭

And maybe if there was a clearer line 如果那裡有條清楚的分界線

The curiosity would satisfy 好奇心才會滿足吧

Time based prophecies that kept me from living 時間的預言讓我無法真正活著

In the moment I am struggling 那些我掙扎的時刻

To trust the divinity of all the guides 相信著神聖的指引

And what the hell they have planned for us 還有那些祂們早已規劃的鬼事

I cry for the creatures who get left behind 我為那些被留在過去的造物哭泣

But everything will change in a blink of an eye 但一切都會在轉瞬間改變

And if you wish to survive 如果你冀望存活下來

You will find the guide inside 必須找到內在的指引

I go back and forth every single day 我每天不斷地時空來回

The clarity it comes to me in a choppy way 洞見來的斷斷續續

As the feelings and the places 就像是感受和空間一樣

And the seasons change 季節更迭

The galaxies remain 星際仍在

Energy fields pullin’ up out of this space 這個空間中的能量場被拉高

The angels that are a couple to the spiritual waste 成對的天使是屬靈的耗費

The hate that gets me distant from my spiritual pace 仇恨讓我遠離了自我靈性道途

Ten fold the manna when the planets are in place, in polar alignment 當星球就位,極星校準時便十倍祈禱

We’re on assignment 我們正在進行任務

Bodies on consignment 身體被寄與託付

Return them to the circus 讓他們回到馬戲裡頭

And what is the purpose? 那一切的目的是什麼?

What is the purpose and would you believe it? 什麼樣的目的會讓你相信?

Would you believe it 你是否會信任

If you knew what you were for 如果你知道你到來的意義

And how you became so informed? 以及你如何被賦予

Bodies of info performing such miracles 身體內的信息場像是奇蹟

I am a miracle made up of particles 我是由細小微粒組成的奇蹟

And in this existence 在這個存在中

I’ll stay persistent 我會堅持下去

And I’ll make a difference 我會有所作為

And I will have lived it 我會好好活著

Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua 生命的呼吸與神之愛

Each day that I wake 每一天我醒來

I will praise, I will praise 我將讚美、我將讚美

Each day that I wake 每一天我醒來

I give thanks, I give thanks 我予感謝、我予感謝

And the day that I don’t wake up 然後我不再甦醒的那天

And transcend the holy make-up 並超越聖潔的妝容

I am capable, I am powerful 我有才幹、我有力量

And the day that I don’t wake up 然後我不再甦醒的那天

And transcend the holy makeup 並超越聖潔的妝容

I am on my way to a different place… 我在去往不同地域的道路上

I’m not a leader, just a creature 我不是個領導者,只是造物之一

Seeking the features of a teacher 尋找導師的樣貌

Whether you follow or whether you lead 無論你是跟隨還是帶領

All mysterious ways of nature and I’m into it 所有超自然的運作方式,我都接受

Changing management 去改變管理機制

And there are various ways to conquer this monotonous metropolis 去征服單調的社會有非常多種方法

My stubbornness is bottomless 我的固執沒有底線

My fearlessness is talking shit 我的無懼是說破一切

And I’m wide awake and I’m taking names 我非常地清醒,而且我為己留名

I am not a leader, just a creature 我不是個領導者,只是造物之一

Seeking the features of a teacher 尋找導師的樣貌

Whether you follow or whether you lead 無論你是跟隨還是帶領

All mysterious ways of nature and I’m into it 所有超自然的運作方式,我都接受

Changing management 去改變管理機制

Do you speak to me like you speak to God? 你可以和我對話,就像與神對話?

All of the love and understanding between the father and the son? 父子間的都擁有愛與互信?

Do you believe in the perfectness of where you are? 你相信自己所處位置就是完美嗎?

These are my people, these are my children 這些是我的子民,我的孩子

This is the land that I would fight for 這是我奮命相搏的土地

My solidarity is telling me to patiently 我的聯盟告訴我要有耐心

Be moving the musical medicine around the planet in a hurry 在地球上用音樂來療癒已經事不容遲

Cuz there’s no time to wait 因為不再有時間等待

I gotta to wake up my babies, time to stand up and say 我要喚醒我的孩子,是時候起身發聲

We know what we are for 我們知道我們來到的目的

And how we became so informed 以及我們是如何被賦予

Bodies of info, performing such miracles 身體內的信息場像是奇蹟

I am a miracle, made up of particles 我是由細小微粒組成的奇蹟

And in this existence 在這個存在中

I’ll stay persistent 我會堅持下去

And I’ll make a difference 我會做出改變

And I will have lived it... 且我會活出自界

Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua 生命的呼吸與神之愛

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