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新月好歌分享:Light To Your Life 點燃你的生命之光

心靈好歌推薦: Light To Your Life,詞/曲:Bliss,Feat. Sophie Barker

Bliss 是一隻總部位於丹麥的國際性世界音樂流行樂團,曲風多元,歌詞都非常具有身心靈的寓意,成員來自丹麥、瑞典、西非幾內亞比索,從2001年開始,這十年之間,他們發行了幾張專輯與單曲,幾乎每一首心咲都有收藏,甚至許多國際的身心老師們,也都常使用其歌曲作為工作坊中的練習輔助,滲透人心,療癒性十足,非常推薦大家聆聽感受!


Lately you've been holding on to something you knew was wrong 最近你一直堅持那些,你明知道自己錯了的事情 Now it's time to let it go 現在是時候放手了 You loved him so, wanted to give 你如此愛他,想給與付出 But you don't have to live with his suffering 但你不必與他的痛苦共存 And I don't want to see you cry, wish you'd say goodbye to the past 而我並不想看到你哭泣,希望你告別過去 It's hard to leave the way you love and even harder when you know 離開習慣的方式很難,尤其當你已經醒來 The light to your life 你的生命之光 You know light 你能認出光亮 You know the light to your life 你能認出你的生命之光 You know that it's possible to love yourself 你知道你是能愛自己的 Like everyone else loves you too 就像其他愛你的人一樣

Sorry silly so suddenly, you had a vision that you were happily 抱歉突然之間如此糊塗,你還以為自己這樣是幸福的 It's hard to leave the way you love and even harder when you know 離開習慣的方式很難,尤其當你已經醒來 The light to your life 你的生命之光 You know the light 你能認出光亮 You know the light to your life 你能認出你的生命之光 文章圖片節選自網路,如有侵權敬請告知,將立馬撤換,非常感謝您的提醒! 關於更多心咲旅修:



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